As part of our ongoing Community Outreach programs, the Kent Rod & Gun Club has some great events lined up...mark your calendars! As a long-established NRA Gold Medal Club here in Putnam County, New York, our goal is to provide education and fun activities where local residents can learn, and participate in, safe and responsible practices in hunting, fishing and shooting sports.
Contact us anytime for more information!
• Sunday, June 16th...ANNUAL PAN FISH DERBY
Members, Family and Friends are all welcome! A little time spent fishing with a child brings great rewards...and, hopefully, a few fish! Get up early and be at the club for the 12:00 p.m. weigh-in, prizes and lunch.
This event is open to children ages 10 - 16, pre-registration and parental permission is required.
Program contents are supplied by National
Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), and qualified participants will receive a
Kent Rod & Gun Club Youth Shoot patch upon completion.
There will be an attendance cap of ten in the 10
& 11 year old group and fifteen in the 12-16 year old group. The
younger group will be shooting air rifle and the older .22's.
This event will be under supervision by NRA Certified Instructors and Range Safety Officers from our club; those participating will learn: Basics of Firearms Safety Basics of shooting a BB rifle, Pellet rifle and .22 caliber rifle.
We ask that our club members who know of youngsters who would like to participate to have them register by June 15th. For further information, and to register, contact us by return email and provide the following information:
- Participant's Name and Age.
- Parent's Name and contact information - email and/or telephone
Again....ALL registrations must be sent by JUNE 15th!!
• Sunday, September 15th...LADIES DAY AT THE RANGE
A special day, just for the girls (sorry guys) which will feature an introduction to Shooting Sports with the emphasis on firearm safety and responsibility. We'll have guest speakers, a fabulous gourmet luncheon, range time for the ladies to try their hand with pellet guns, rifles, skeet shooting and bow. And, each lady will receive a club t-shirt plus a few other trinkets!
Start time: 10 a.m.
Learn the basic rules of firearm safety
Learn the basics of shooting a .22 caliber rifle-trap (shotgun & clays) and archery
Our team of Certified NRA Instructors, Range Safety Officers and club Board Members will be assisting at this event, ready to share their sporting expertise. Everything will be complimentary and seating will be limited to the first 25 ladies who register...our initial response to this event has been overwhelmingly positive.
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