Monday, January 28, 2013

Club Event Update - February

Safety is typically a gun club’s top priority, definitely something mandated here at the Kent Rod & Gun Club. The value of facilities such as ours is further increased by the fact that target and recreational shooting are among the country’s most popular sports. Gun clubs are also the place many children learn to safely handle guns.  Just ask a Boy Scout.

Each member of our club, along with their families and friends, were shocked and remain deeply saddened by the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut.  The horrific events last December, at the hands of a madman, in no way represents the community of responsible, law-abiding gun owners who now face many challenges ahead with new, draconian, gun laws both on state and federal levels.  Although Governor Cuomo stated "We're not looking to demonize gun owners."..."Gun owners have done nothing wrong."...gun owners are indeed facing severe restrictions, most of which are in violation of our 2nd Amendment rights.

The time is now...for all club members to get out and support upcoming rallies, sign petitions, write/e-mail state officials, register to vote and urge others to do the same, encourage family and friends to join the NRA, the NYSRPA...let your voices be heard...become pro-active! 

Assembly Representative Bill Nojay, is asking gun owners across the state to come to Albany on Thursday,  February 28th. SCOPE will be doing everything in its power to support this effort.  Members of the Kent Rod & Gun Club are asked to show their support by attending this event... time has come to Unite for the Fight!

Important links are below; more information will be sent via e-mail or posted on the KR&G Facebook page, as it becomes available:


Upcoming Club Events - Reminders....

Annual Installation Dinner..........Saturday, February 9th @ 7 p.m.

*Reservations close - February 3rd!*

Ice Fishing Party..........................Sunday, February 10th @ 6:30 a.m.

Corned Beef Dinner.....................Saturday, March 9th @ 7 p.m.

Pistol Safety Course....................Sunday, April 21st @ 8 a.m. 

Members who would like to be listed on our Member Links page are asked to send your info to Patty Sparano.  Putting up this page is the club's effort in creating member support by keeping it local!

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